"Bone Appetit" A digital painting inspired by scenery in my travels in the south of France
"Unavailable" A painting focusing on texture and color, inspired by street performers I saw in Rome
"On That Organ Grind" character design
Sailboat in a storm digital painting commission
The rare and dangerous, albeit, snuggly Hoodied Cobra, painted in ProCreate using lighting and rendering techniques learned in my online Schoolism course
A Billy Goats Gruff-inspired line-based landscape illustration, set in the Swiss Alps
"Ursa Major" Bear stargazing digital painting
"When You Fish Upon a Star, Your Dreams Come True"- A second story moment for my bear cub character
"HiBARNation"- A third story moment for my bear cub character
"Henry and Robinette" Client's Children's Book Illustration
An illustration for a client's children's book titled, "The Flutterby and the Hopgrasser"
Animals on a Plane concept featuring several jokes and visual puns
My character/wardrobe/scenic design process for a client's children's book, starting with flat colors and shapes, and adding detail and lighting once a final design is agreed upon.
Original character expression sheet, stein tip jar prop design, and final concept
A Dala/Trojan horse concept with prop callouts, painted in Photoshop. The machine is powered by Scandanavian gnomes who prepare and launch Swedish meatballs by trebuchet at the sworn enemy, the Snotgurgle, a creature imagined by Dutch author Wil Huygen.
"Bunny" plush character turnaround, for a client's children's book
xpression sheet for a client's children's book
Various spot illustrations for clients' children's books
Totem designs for "Artifact" card game, in the order that you can earn them, in the game
Prop designs and the game box back for a client's Mayan-adventure themed card game
A flamingo food critic ordering chicken in place of shrimp, at a restaurant. He is gray in color because he won't eat shrimp, and that's where flamingos get their pink coloration from.
Illustrative Branding
Clean Queen client logo design
"Tinker's Market" client Etsy shop logo
A business card front and back for a client's eBay reselling business
Illustrative logo variations for a client's spooky sewing business
Portraits and Sketches
Bauhaus-inspired Houdini illustration
Keanu Reeves digital illustration
A dignified portrait of a client's cat
Two minute gesture drawings from life
“The Joker” interview scene emotion sequence- roughly 1 minute sketches
Traditional Art
"Cephalopallo 11" mural painting process
A manipulated pen and ink master copy of Charles Dana Gibson piece
"Absinthe Fairy" gouache painting process
Please reach out via any of the platforms below! I'd love to chat with you.